Sunday, August 18, 2013

Good Morning,

It's 4:43AM. I just got home from work at the strip club. 

So, I quit waitressing for  awhile because I got an office job. And I didn't think they would think highly of me working at a strip club. It's been a couple of months since I've worked but now I'm back moonlighting as a waitress. 

What my office doesn't know, does not hurt them.

Honestly, I've missed it. I've missed getting dressed a lil slutty, working my ass off, being flirtatious and getting paid for it. It's more fun than going out to a bar for sure. Then again, I work at one of the best strip clubs. I'm pretty sure I would hate working at a strip club that didn't have some of the most beautiful women in the world.

Since my return, I have noticed that a lot of the coke heads are gone. Most of the girls stick to good ol' fashioned THC and booze. 

So, tonight Macklemore came into the strip club. I have to say it was pretty interesting to watch him get lap dances. He practices what he preaches. He was definitely dressed as if he was in the music video to Thrift Shop. All I really noticed was the large white hat that he was wearing. I was serving drinks in the VIP rooms and I kept walking past the private room he was in and sneaking glances at him. 

At one point, he was standing in the hallway looking at his phone outside of his private room, and I walked past him. Literally inches away from him. I really wanted to ask him for a photo but he looked so normal. So human and vulnerable that I didn't want to bother him. Honestly, he seems like a very passionate, strong and sensitive dude. I can't imagine being a celebrity. I think it would be terrible to have people faun all over you, when all you want is to be 100 percent yourself and express everything that you are. I think being a celebrity would be so limiting. And hard. 

After just seeing him for a moment, I have to say that I am impressed. Not for one second do I think he is a sleezebag or a douche. He seems very real. 

Cheers Macklemore. You have my respect.

Also, after he left, I was cleaning the room he was in and may have stolen the towel that I think he was sitting on.

That's not creepy...right? 

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